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More on A.I. and Channel Racing...
Author: Peter BryantTitle: More on A.I. and Channel Racing
Date: 2006-04-27 21:16:35Uploaded by: webmaster

The following letter has been sent to the EU by the FCI. The FCI are doing their best to get Brussels to change their opinions of racing pigeons and inherent threat. It is of course the decision of the EU that influences home governments and of course DEFRA.

Latest news from France is that the French Government has reviewed their initial decision to the FCF. They had given the French fanciers permission start racing again from 9 May 06 but apparently were confused by the terms racing and training! So, French racing will be reviewed again on 31st May 06. There is therefore no likelihood of us racing from France for the old bird season. It is not just a case of the French Government giving the green light but applying for and receiving permits from the FCF. Both Belgium and the Netherlands are in the same boat as us regarding French racing.

As previously advised, I have written recently to both the French and Belgium governments to seek their permission to race from their homelands. With this latest news from France I think you will know the answer before I get it.

The news of the AI outbreak in Dereham, Norfolk is another thorn. It is too early to say which variant of AI this is. It is likely to be confirmed during the evening of 27th April so go to www.defra.gov.uk for the latest information. I have this afternoon been part of a conference meeting with the Chief Vet. At present a 1 km zone has been set up around the farm. The lab results will determine whether a further IP and SZ of 3kms and 10kms are set up and if this is the case then fanciers in this part of Norfolk will have to follow local restrictions which will almost certainly mean keeping their birds in the loft.

We were advised at the meeting that a decision has been taken today not to exhibit poultry at the forthcoming Royal Show and I understand that the Great Yorkshire Show has also taken a similar line.

Dear CVO

On 9 March, the Standing committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health of the EU agreed a statement and recommendations regarding the susceptibility of racing pigeons to avian influenza (H5N1). Based on past and current experience on H5N1, the Standing Committee stipulates that racing pigeons are relatively resistant to the H5N1 virus.

We want to draw your attention to the fact that at present, no racing pigeon of the Columba Livia specie has been found infected by H5N1 in parts of the world experiencing H5N1 outbreaks and no scientific evidence exists that indicates that racing pigeons might contribute to the spread of the virus.

Despite these recommendations of the SCFCAH, we notice that the Member States of the EU make different risk assessments for racing pigeons and take different protection measures. These different measures are hampering the racing sport enormously and mainly the racing season which should have started varying from Member State already between the middle of December 2005 and the middle of March 2006.

In the view of establishing an uniform risk assessment for racing pigeons, the International Federation of Racing Pigeon Fanciers (Fédération Colombophile Internationale -FCI ) elaborated recently an “International Protocol For Racing Pigeons in case of HPAI-H5N”, which has been sent to he European Council of Ministers and the European Commission.

The FCI is the international pigeon fancier’s organisation, representing 623.300 members of 57 countries. The individual pigeon fanciers are represented in the FCI by their national organisations.

In attachment you find the letter send to the EU-Commission, the International Protocol and basic facts on the racing pigeon sport.

We would invite you to incorporate this risk assessment in your national contingency plans.

Furthermore we insists that the ban on pigeons races should be lifted by the SCFAH in all Member States by at latest the 1st of May 2006 in order that normal pigeon races from different Member States can resume.

Dr. J.M.A Tereso
President FCI
H. Menzel
President Veterinary Committee FCI

Peter Bryant
General Manager
The Royal Pigeon Racing Association

Coo time for a brew!...Where next?
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